
Wanderers support King Cotton


King Cotton has partnered with Western Sydney Wanderers School Ambassadors to help reduce the environmental impact across the Western Sydney region.

King Cotton Australia are a professional resource recovery company that coordinates and distributes clothing and household textile in Australia.

Their tailored programs focus on the collection of clothing and household materials for reuse and recycling. They also coordinate and distribute these goods, and at times export excess product overseas to third world countries.

Since 1999 King Cotton Australia has collected around 60,000 tonnes of clothing and other household goods which are normally destined for landfill.

Around 95% of these goods have been reused or recycled. That is a significant diversion of waste to landfill.

The Wanderers will be running a nine-month 20 school pilot program that will commence in Term 4 this year.

Schools will benefit from the program by reducing waste to landfill, minimize illegal dumping in the Western Sydney region, offer local employment to low-skilled worker and promote a positive environmental cause amongst schools and the local community. 

Become a School Ambassador and get involved with the King Cotton project here